When reviewing a new cigar product you must be aware of your subjective bias. The marketing from the manufacturer will try to sway your opinion . Your friends who may be familiar with a particular cigar will chime in with their thoughts. Your own previous experiences will enter into your overall opinion of what the cigar should taste like. As long you are aware of these factors and let your readership know, I think you are on a solid ground.
Romeo Y Julieta House of Capulet Robusto
Strength: Medium
Shape : Robusto
Size: 5 X 54
Wrapper Color: Natural
Wrapper Origin: Eucadorian
Wrapper Leaf: Connecticut
This cigar was made for Famous Cigars by Romeo Y Julieta and it is an exclusive blend.
This is a very good looking cigar with a band and paper wrapper that is very arty and cool. Whoever in marketing put this together really did a bang up job with it. It was so impressive that I did not want to take the wrapper off. The cigar had a light brown hue and was smooth to the touch. Firm construction without any obvious blemishes. The roll was outstanding.
For more information on this blend, please click on the above description for a direct link to Famous Cigars.
Would rate this 4 out of 5.
The initial light and cut were made by Xikar products. The smoothness of this blend was evident was the start with a hint of flavor of nuts and cocoa. This combo flavor stayed throughout the first third of the cigar. While it was described as medium thought it was mild with perhaps some medium overtones. The cigar at this stage was very smooth and truly enjoyed it.
At this juncture rating was still 4 out of 5.
The ash was light grey in color and was still attached to the cigar. A slight burn flaw now appeared but did not create a problem. Eventually the ash did flake off nearing the 2/3 mark of the smoke. Continued to enjoy and reminded myself , a milder blend can be just as pleasurable as a more full bodied smoke.

The last third of the cigar had a bit of of a burn issue but in reality was not a factor. Perhaps it distracted from the overall look of the smoke but did not cause any other flavor or construction issue. The smoke stayed smooth and fun to smoke.
My final thoughts and impressions.
This is quite the find and the price point was very reasonable too. Sometimes we think of what the cigar costs and that might give us unreasonable expectations of the blend. When it hits on both accounts it is a winner.
As a recap, the overall impression is very positive and for those who enjoy a lighter smoke , it might be in your cigar interests to pick up a box from Famous Smoke. I would certainly smoke it again but as milder cigars are not my regular profile, would have a 5 pack in my humidor when the lighter smoking moment hit me.
4 out of 5 is a pretty good smoke indeed.
I received this cigar from Famous Smoke gratis for this review. As always this does sway my judgment of my opinion of the cigar.
Keep smoking
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