Site icon Urban Fishing Pole Cigars

Cigar News you can use: Good deal department


Cigar news:

I receive many emails and postings from cigar companies that are pushing deals and brands  on a daily basis.

I will scan the “world” and share with my friends some of these deals that may interest  you.  It may come from a sponsor of mine or not.  If I think it’s a good deal, I will let you know and then you can purchase the smokes if you need to fill up your humidors.

If you also know some deals that may save us some bucks , please let me know and I will let the cigar posse know.

Keep smoking



Famous Cigars deal for you 

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Special Offer: Buy a Box and Receive a Villiger 125th Black Ashtray FREE (a $49.00 value!) view offer items
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