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Cigar review: New type of review


Cigar review:

It’s been a very crazy weekend. The plumbing in the house has gone into a deep zone. What we thought was a minor problem has become a full-blown disaster. When you have a 60-year-old house with 60 year old pipes, they will eventually break down and that’s exactly what has happened. So right now the plumbing crew has camped out at my house for 3 days still trying to figure out the total extent of the problem. Every time they look a little deeper new broken pipes show up and it costs more.

I needed to get out and smoke a cigar, sit back a bit and write this review.

My approach will be different from the  usual format.  I will just crank out my thoughts as I smoke. Pictures will still be shown.

The cigar in question is a San Cristobal Elengenca. It’s a good-looking smoke with a light brown wrapper, well made to the eye, soft to the touch.

The cigar band has the tropical look and feel of the Caribbean.

I don’t know the specs of the cigar but maybe will look into to it later.

The cigar starts will a nice combo of mint, hay and a sweetness I cannot figure out yet. Some citrus but more of a melon taste. Yes that is what I am tasting. The burn line is fabulous , a beautiful grey ash very straight, no issue here.

As I smoke this cigar at the Lone Wolf Cigar Lounge, there is a TV pilot going on , a show called Dimensional Shift, which I know nothing about. It is a distraction writing the review.

The burn line still does its thing and the flavor/taste continues to be mild, flavorful , the melon continues but the overall blend now has added a hit of spice. It enhances the cigar and makes it a better experience.

Overall this is an outstanding blend with all the elements working well in tandem to produce one of the better cigars I have smoked this year. I know this is not a new cigar but it’s new to me, and that counts in my book.

Keep smoking

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