Site icon Urban Fishing Pole Cigars

Gift review: I like free stuff


Every once in a while I get a request to do a review that is part of the lifestyle segment of the webpage. In this case, the review is for a product from: 

They have a whole line of men’s accessories and novelty items  which are reasonably priced and focused on weddings, events and other special  events.

As always how and where I receive the product does not influence my subjective judgment. I suggest making your own decison if this is an item you would purchase.

The item in question is a cigar box which can be used to stash a limited supply of cigars. The fun part of this box is that it can be custom designed with a message, name or other thought.  In my case the cigar box cover has a very classy FG burned into it. The design is very good looking. 

The interior of the product has the name of my company, Urban Fishing Pole Cigars and my name also inscribed into the material. It looks very masculine and tough.

As for the actual box construction itself, I need to point out this is not a humidor for long term storage of your smokes. While the box is pretty well constructed , it was not manufactured as a full on humidor.  I am pretty sure the wood is not cedar which is usually the standard for long term storage. There is also a gap between the top and the bottom of the box, so it not air tight.

You could put a Boveda humidity device in the box which would help in the storage of you cigars.

However, the purpose of the cigar box is a neat gift idea for friends, wedding party members and other interested folks. 

For more information on this gift idea or other products in their lines. Contact the web site.

Keep smoking


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