A Slender Fairy, With Long Hair, Dark Wings, and a Blossom for a Bonnet, Stands Vigil Next to a Grave
Day: August 28, 2022
Tucker Haymond Has Decided On Becoming A Japanese Lifer And Now Might Return To Sleeping On The Floor Again
For some guys all it takes is to fall in love with one woman and they become a one woman
Rare photos of young and then still-unknown Marylin Monroe hiking in the woods, 1950
These photos were taken in 1950 by Life Magazine photographer Ed Clark who got a call from a friend at
The Gingerbread Man runs in Chula Vista!
The Gingerbread Man emerged from a hot oven and arrived in Chula Vista today, thinking he could easily outrun families
Kabob House, Metairie, LA Report #505
This place is on the main drag through Metairie, so I’ve passed it hundreds of times but never considered stopping
Polianthes Bandrati pink saphire blossoms ?
Polianthes Bandrati pink saphire blossoms ?