A Large Polychromed Cement Bust of a Man Dressed in Colonial Garb (Including a Powdered Wig and Tricorne Hat) Found
Month: August 2022
Great Blue Heron
Great Blue Heron
The Truth About Lead Shot
BY BRIAN D DUNN Since the 1980’s a growing political attack on lead as used for shooting sports ammunition has
Gentle Reminders
Gentle Reminders
???Spanish Caravan
1968, Waiting for the Sun – The Doors , ?Robby Krieger, his flamenco guitar and Jim’s singing are exotic ,
Lifestyle: Cool breeze
Lifestyle: Beating the heat Keep smoking
Ventura California based FreshRealm is raising $205,100,000.00 in New Equity Investment.
Ventura, CA – According to filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, FreshRealm is raising $205,100,000.00 in new funding.
A Real-Life ‘Fire Tornado’ In Los Angeles Has Left Viewers Shocked That Such A Thing Can Exist
A helicopter filming a blaze in northwestern Los Angeles County on Wednesday evening captured shocking footage of a real-life ‘Fire
A New Chapter Begins
It is hard to think that my Bride and I have almost been together from Day One back in 1993,
WantMore WantMore
Instant Pot Meatloaf & Mashed Potatoes
Cooking Secrets for MenInstant Pot Meatloaf & Mashed Potatoes Instant Pot Meatloaf and Mashed Potatoes – This is part of
Mission Mangrove – A Blue Carbon initiative
Bavina Sookdeo writes about research into mangroves and mangrove soils in Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, and Suriname to protect our
JJJJound Tease New Sneaker Collaboration with ASICS – PAUSE Online
The sneaker industry’s go-to collaborator brand JJJJound looks to be at it again as the Montreal brand teases an imminent
Daily Dose of Affirmation
Each day you can journey from your Alpha (it begins with you) to your Omega, which in the teachings of
Bullpen torched again as Red Sox drop fourth straight
With a depleted bullpen, Red Sox’ manager Alex Cora said his starters “have to go deeper” into games before Wednesday’s
Steve Did Dinner Tonight
Trader Joe’s Broccoli Slaw Kale Salad w chicken and sunflower seeds. It tasted good and I found a copycat recipe
Gloucester Smiles – 2006
Gloucester Smiles – 2006
Fermentation starter started
Following the steps in this video, I have started the fermentation starter by putting into a 1-pint canning jar: •
Hidden Structural Features
Many stone arch bridge feature subtle design features that are tucked away out of sight within the structure, which can
Middlefield History Group Hike with Alec Gillman DCR Interpretive Coordinator
Once upon a time, Middlefield had many prosperous woolen mills Middlefield History Group Hike with Alec Gillman DCR Interpretive Coordinator
Bridge Six Keystone Arch Bridges Bancroft in Middlefield
Bridge 6 of the Keystone Arch Bridges in Bancroft. This bridge was widened to three tracks in 1910, adding a
Gentle Reminders
Gentle Reminders

22 Minutes to Midnight Connecticut Radiante Toro
The 22 Minutes to Midnight Connecticut Radiante is part of the reinvention of Lost&Found. This is one of the two
Healthy Healthy
Daily Dose of Bhagavad Gita
Chapter 3: Karma-yoga TEXT 15 karma brahmodbhavam viddhibrahmaksara-samudbhavamtasmat sarva-gatam brahmanityam yajne pratisthitam Chapter 3 Verse 15 … Daily Dose of