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Cigar news you can use: As reported by Steve Stefanides


Cigars and Good Conversation Make a Great Afternoon
By Steve Stefanides Mar 9, 2023 0

Cigars and Good Conversation

As the growing popularity of cigar smoking rises, coupled with continued improvements in the quality of the ingredients inside the wrapper and the wrapper itself, it appears some on Marco Island may have found another niche enjoyment in life.

What began as a handful of aficionados appreciating the century old love of high-quality hand wrapped tobacco products has grown into a love affair across the nation and right here on Marco Island; cigar smoking is a flourishing pleasure.

Cigars and Good Conversation
Michael Levin commented that over the last seven to twelve years you’ll find a growing number of Marco residents coming together to enjoy their passion for a good cigar. Lately they have been hosted by the popular CJ’s on the Bay Restaurant and Star Bar over the last several years to enjoy a couple of hours of conversation, a preferred liquid refreshment and of course their favorite “stogie” of choice.

One of those islanders who have become a regular with their gathering is former NHL Professional Hockey Player Brian Propp, an aspiring manufacturer of a quality line of cigars himself. His cigar brand distributed throughout the United States is called Guffaw Cigars. “I’ve always had a passion for hockey during my 15 years playing the game and have extended that passion for having a good cigar into making a great cigar,” said Propp as he sat with his friends on one mild Florida afternoon at CJ’s on the Bay.

He is joined by a wide variety of islanders who range from retired Indiana Dentist Tom Pugh, who was instrumental in the formation of the loosely formed group of men, and the occasional woman, who loves cigars.

Cigars and Good Conversation
Cigars and Good Conversation
Their group includes a wide variety of other islanders such as retired Deputy Fire Chief Steve Hay from the Warwick/ Narragansett, Rhode Island area, Marco Mens Club President Warren Uhl and a mixture of others from the Senior Softball League, Marco Mens Club and the golf league.

Cigars and Good Conversation
Propp started his own cigar brand three and half years ago but had researched the manufacturing processes in the Dominican Republic for about four years before diving into the business, which took a year to set up. He distributes that product through a distribution agent in Miami and enjoys the company of so many great friends here in Marco. “I really do enjoy the product Brian and his team manufactures over there in Miami. It’s a very smooth cigar, with a great flavor,” said Eric Russell, a retired firefighter from Metro Fire in the Denver, Colorado area, now living on Marco Island and enjoying the Marco Cigar Lovers group.

The conversations the day we visited with the Marco Cigar Group ranged from everything under the sun; from politics to favorite foods and eateries, to wines, to the traffic conditions on the island. It was no different than any other gathering of folks who enjoyed the company of each other, but this group enjoyed a good cigar to go along with the company and the libations which generously flowed from the friendly and efficient bar staff members.

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