Cigar review:
Three friends decide to put together a cigar company which sounds like a fun thing to do. A tough task to be sure but I give them credit for making this leap.
As Statesman Cigars put it, ” Statesman Cigar Co. was birthed out of the founder’s shared passion for cigar smoking. It’s about bringing people into a lifestyle.”
Do they make the cut with a successful product line? We shall find out.
As always how I receive the cigar does not impact my subjective take on the smoke. Try the blend yourself and make your own opinion.
Brand/Name of Cigar: Statesman Cigars/ Bella Donna
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Wrapper, Binder, Filler: No information received but might be an all Nicaraguan blend.
Shape: Price: Figurado, $11.00 from their website . I received the cigar gratis for review. Smoked in Los Angeles, Ca. 3/8/24. Seasoned in my humidor for about 6 weeks.
Appearance/Construction: Medium brown wrapper with a semi-oily feel. Rough looking appearance with veins and seams showing. Good looking band with a green motif. Not a beautiful looking smoke but the proof will be in the taste.
Flavor/Taste/Aroma: First third: The spice hit me right away with black pepper dominating. Whoa baby, strong stuff. A bit further into the smoke, it gave me a duo of black tea and coco.
Second Third: The cigar cooled it’s heels somewhat with a creamy taste of toffee and maple. This was welcomed as the first third was overly strong.
Final Third: Citrus and mint came on board which added to the overall body of the smoke. This helped make the cigar more palatable and smoother.
Smoking Characteristics: Tight opening and draw. An uneven burn but eventally self corrected. Needed to fix the char line once. Medium gray ash.
Conclusion/Overall Impression: A reasonable effort for a new cigar venture. This blend needed more time in my humidor to develop more complexity. I would purchase it another time to see if the taste improves.
The Numbers and Final Thoughts:
Appearance and Construction: 2.8 out of 5.
Flavor, Taste and Aroma: 2.5 out of 5.
Smoking Characteristics: 2.5 out of 5.
Final Numbers: 2.6 out of 5
It’s an average cigar with a reasonable price point. Hoping Statesman Cigars will take their products to the next level as we need new blood in the Cigar industry.
Keep smoking
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