Taj Mahal, Giant Step, 1969 Produzent/ David Rubinson Label/ Columbia Es mag für die heutige Generation unvorstellbar sein, aber es

Cigar blogger, lifestyle, fitness, and Influencer
Taj Mahal, Giant Step, 1969 Produzent/ David Rubinson Label/ Columbia Es mag für die heutige Generation unvorstellbar sein, aber es
Shocking Blue, Venus, 1969 Text/Musik/ Robbie van Leeuwen Produzent/ Robbie van Leeuwen Label/ Pink Elephant Shocking Blue mit „Venus“ waren
Today’s Monochrome Monday (#MoMo) shares the charming 12th-century Florense Abbey – Abbazia Florense – in Calabria’s San Giovanni in Fiore
Like many countries, the Dominican Republic is dealing with shortages of skilled employees. Procigar has worked with the Instituto Nacional
Cigar events: Make a pick. Keep smoke
Photo by Mary K. Doyle Friday Photo–Lighthouse off of Mackinac Island