Cigar news you can use: Keep them in good condition

Cigar news:

Dried cigars! A common issue that can affect the flavor and quality of your cigars.

Causes of Dried Cigars

  1. Low humidity: Cigars need a humid environment to stay fresh.
  2. Poor storage: Inadequate storage can cause cigars to dry out.
  3. Age: Cigars can naturally dry out over time.
  4. Travel: Changes in temperature and humidity during travel can dry out cigars.

Effects of Dried Cigars

  1. Harsh flavor: Dried cigars can taste bitter and unpleasant.
  2. Difficulty lighting: Dried cigars can be hard to light and keep lit.
  3. Cracking: Dried cigars can crack or break apart.

Reviving Dried Cigars

  1. Humidor: Store cigars in a humidor to restore humidity.
  2. Humidification packs: Use humidification packs to add moisture.
  3. Time: Allow cigars to rest and recover in a humid environment.


  1. Store cigars properly: Use a humidor or airtight container.
  2. Monitor humidity: Keep humidity levels between 65-70%.
  3. Rotate cigars: Rotate cigars regularly to prevent drying.

When to Discard

  1. Severe cracking: If cigars are severely cracked or broken.
  2. Unpleasant odor: If cigars have a strong, unpleasant odor.
  3. No improvement: If cigars don’t improve after revival attempts.

Would you like more information on:

  1. Cigar storage and maintenance
  2. Humidor setup and maintenance
  3. Cigar revival techniques
  4. Something else?

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