Cigar news you can use: Not typical blend types that we expect from the manufacturers. Contrary is good. Keep smoking
Tag: cigar advisor
Cigar News you can use: Cigar Advisor picks them for you
Cigar news: The friendly folks from Famous Smoke giving you the low down of top torpedo blends for your smoking

Cigar News you can use: Good picks from Cigar Advisor or not long in the tooth
Cigar news: Older cigar blends that still hit the spot. Keep smoking 2018 CA Report: Classic Cigar Brands That You

Cigar news you can use: Punch it out
Cigar news: One of my favorite overall brands, a very good overview from Cigar Advisor reviewing the Punch product line.
Cigar reviews: A take on Gloria Cubana
Cigar review: Staff from Cigar Advisor I first discovered La Gloria Cubana in the early 1990’s, during the cigar craze.
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