Lifestyle: Santa Monica,Ca. Keep smoking

Cigar blogger, lifestyle, fitness, and Influencer
Lifestyle: Santa Monica,Ca. Keep smoking
Lifestyle: It does sometimes happen. Keep smoking
Lifestyle: New England Keep smoking
Lifestyle: Fall colors Keep smoking
Lifestyle: Backyard in Fall Keep Smoking
Lifestyle: Los Angeles
First Snow Makes Colors Pop, yesterday was our first bit of snow. The song birds are back in my back
#poetry #autumn Touch an autumn leaf fallen from a tree Scattered everywhere like a debris Mostly rough, they are crisp
The wheelbarrow is back in its spot, under the oak tree, so you know I am ready for winter. I
Wall color — bird in the bush
Cigars keep secret a coveted sweetness if not puffed upon an autumn stroll in woodlands unremembered when the underbrush peacocks
Last week I took several days off to explore the Appalachian Mountains of western North Carolina. This first post features
And to the third and final leg of our holiday: The Berkshires in Massachusetts. They run from, roughly, North Adams
Lifestyle: Get ready for snow Keep Smoking
Lifestyle: 40-50 mph winds through the fall and winter. This is how we roll in Porter Valley. Keep Smoking