“I Took it Back” is a poem based off my own experience overcoming PTSD caused by abuse and abandonment. My
Tag: Poems
Lifestyle/Joy: Just let me rest in your safe presence — Joy Passion Desire
Just let me rest in your safe presence. In the warmth of your kindness, in the comfort of your compassion
Lifestyle/Poetry :Winds of adventure #poetry and #prose — tales told different
Do you feel the call, Tingling at your fingertips, Rattling through nerve and… via Winds of adventure #poetry and #prose —
Lifestyle/Poetry: The things we don’t deserve. (Poetry and prose) — tales told different
Why do bad things happen to good people? via The things we don’t deserve. (Poetry and prose) — tales told different
Lifestyle: Observations in Isolation — The 50 year old poet
Hi everyone my new book Observations in Isolation is now availableon Amazon at this link https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=pat+doran&ref=nb_sb_noss It is not the
Lifestyle: A close friend finds his calling
Lifestyle: As reported in the Boston Globe Sunday magazine, Local Boston poet Scott Harney’s book published one year after his