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If this is a health club,why does it stink?

Life Style: Fitness and health

I have been around many health clubs in my years as a Personal Fitness Trainer, Fitness Manager and consumer. Gyms may have certain niches such as big box gyms,   specialized gyms,   hybrid gyms,  boot camps, group exercise gyms, spin bike gyms, the list is endless.

Within each gym type, there are basic requirements a consumer needs to observe and recognize. Here is a good check list to use and see if your gym is up to standard.

These are  the basic elements you should think about in your quest for fitness and health.  Your best bet is to tour the facility at different times of the day when you might use it, do not sign anything impulsively even if the deal sounds good. Give it a week to try and  if it still appeals to your needs , it is a good choice.

Keep smoking and stay fit

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