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Cigar News you can use: Paducah you.


Cigar news:

I am sure  the thousands of tourists that decend on Paducah Kentucky will be relieved to know that cigars and other smoking materials will no longer invade their parks.

Makes me want to take a week long trip to Paducah Kentucky so I can take in the sights and have clean air to breath.

Keep smoking


Smoking in parks will soon come to an end in Paducah, Ky., as on Tuesday the Paducah City Commission passed an amendment to the city’s existing smoking ordinance by a 4-1 vote.

The amendment adds all city owned parks, sports arenas, playgrounds and trails to the list of places where smoking and vaping is not allowed. To be in compliance with city law, smokers will be required to be at least 15 feet from any of those areas.

The ordinance allows for a violator to be fined up to $50 for a first offense of smoking in a prohibited area. Those fines escalate to $100 for a second offense within a 12 month period and $250 for each subsequent offense within that same time frame.

Additionally, the ordinance adds language that states that it is expected that the ban will be enforced by citizens who will ask smokers to follow the law. Police can be called, but other city employees and staff are also allowed to enforce the ban.

The changes will go into effect 30 days following publication of the amendment’s passage.

Paducah is home to approximately 25,000 residents and is located in the western tip of the state.

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