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Cigar news you can use: New blood at Hammer + Sickle Cigars


Cigar news:


According to Halfwheel , there is a change in the management of Hammer + Sickle Cigars.

” Eric Wentworth has been promoted executive vice-president of Klin Tobacco, the company best known for its Hammer + Sickle cigars.

“Erik has shown tremendous growth since he started with Klin Tobacco five years ago and has speared the growth of all of the brands in the portfolio,” said Anthony Faletra, coo of Klin Groupe, in a statement. “I know Erik will bring a great vision to the future of Klin Tobacco with exciting new blends and packaging.”


In addition to Hammer + Sickle, the company sells The Caleanoch, a fire-cured cigar using Scottish peat to try to create a cigar that tastes similar to Scotch whisky.

Earlier this year, Eric Hanson, the founder of Klin Groupe, passed away.”

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