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Cigar review: The rich get richer?


Cigar review: Certain cigar brands have such cache they are held in very high regard even if it’s not a good smoke. Davidoff cigars do a very good job of marketing their products with exclusive design, and sell points. Smoking a Davidoff blend conjures a majestic palace with the heavy hitters of the world. Now let’s find out if this is true or delusional.

I received the Davidoff Short Perfecto from a newish catalogue cigar company who hopes to bridge out to new customers. Asalways how and where I receive the cigar does not impact my selective judgment. Please buy the cigar yourself and make your own review.

Brand/Name of Cigar: Davidoff/Short Perfecto Aniversio

Country of Origin: Dominican Republic

Size: 4.7/8 x 52

Wrapper: Ecuador Connecticut

Binder: Dominican Republic

Filler: Dominican Republic

Shape: Short Perfecto

Price: MSRP, $19.69 single from TheHumidor

Where and When Smoked: Los Angeles, Ca. 1/27/19

Appearance/Construction: Well crafted with a reddish brown hue , firm , semi- oily with no obvious flaws or issues. The overall look and feel is impeccable as it should considering the price point.

Flavor/Taste and Aroma: First third: Mild initial taste with a vanilla, cinnamon combo. Floral notes were also noted but could not distinguish what they were. Mellow and easy to smoke.

Second third: The flavor profile continued on it’s merry way with basically the same mix as I perceived in the opening salvo. Nothing of consequence to make this cigar as an outstanding smoke.

Final third: In actual terms this a bland cigar. No bang, no high spots or excitement. You hope for more regardless of the price.

Smoking Characteristics: A true to smoke cigar with no issues, light grey ash and it burns extremely well. Stays lit, cool and a nice looking finish.

Conclusion/Overall Impression: It would depend on my mood. If I wanted an inoffensive cigar , I would want to smoke this blend. If you want a stronger kick , this is not the product.

Conclusion/Overall Impression and the numbers

Davidoff cigars are champions in the overall product development and release of a cigar that screams high end. This cigar was not a high end product in the taste department. Likable yes, exceptional no.

Appearance/Construction: 4.5 out of 5

Flavor/Taste and Aroma: 3 out of 5

Smoking Characteristics: 4 out of 5

Conclusion/Overall Impression: 3.8 out of 5

Final Thoughts: Throw out the price if you want to smoke this cigar. Otherwise, try a Macanudo for a better value with about the same flavor and taste.

Keep smoking

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