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Cigar news you can use: Local business goes down in Sac Town


Cigar news: Not the first cigar shop that will be part of history due to government interlopers.

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Downtown cigar shop will close in May

By  – Digital Editor, Sacramento Business Journal

Briar Patch, a locally owned cigar shop and lounge in downtown Sacramento, will close in upcoming weeks.

In an online announcement, the owners of the business at 1107 L St. attributed the decision to regulations on the federal, state and local levels.

“The onslaught of legislation has caused many increases in the cost of doing business, due mostly to increased license fees and compliance costs, that we can no longer keep up. We wish this were not the case, and we hope that in the future consenting adults are still allowed to enjoy the use of tobacco without further taxation and regulation,” the announcement says.

A local ban on flavored tobacco products, which the Sacramento City Council approved last week, was a factor in the decision to close Briar Patch, its operators said in their announcement. The ban takes effect Oct. 1.

The business will close May 24, and a liquidation sale began Monday. Briar Patch was founded in 1983, according to its Facebook page. Its owners are Ron and Jeri Michelson. The business sells items such as cigars, pipes and smoking accessories.

Briar Patch previously also had a site in Loehmann’s Plaza on Fair Oaks Boulevard. That location closed in 2017.

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