Dazed and Confused Cast to Reunite for Virtual Table Reading

Alright, alright, alright! The cast of Dazed and Confused is reuniting as part of a “get-out-the-vote” fundraiser in Texas. Donald Trump

Lifestyle/Music: BILLBOARD #1 HITS: #336: ” I SHOT THE SHERIFF”- ERIC CLAPTON – SEPTEMBER 14, 1974 — slicethelife

https://youtube.com/watch?v=tRgcwT9X2J8%3Fversion%3D3%26rel%3D1%26fs%3D1%26autohide%3D2%26showsearch%3D0%26showinfo%3D1%26iv_load_policy%3D1%26wmode%3Dtransparent Billboard #1 Hits: #336: “I Shot The Sheriff”- Eric Clapton. September 14, 1974. #1 for 1 week in Billboard

Lifestyle: Somerville Business Community Turning Into Politically Connected Developor’s Discounted Ghost-Town Marketplace Taking Over Politically Caused Distressed Properties — The Somerville News Weekly

By William Tauro Mayor Curtatone has an illuminated sign that has been stationed at the intersection of McGrath Highway at