Do you talk to your cat? Does he talk back? I’m convinced cats understand a lot of what you
Tag: furry family
Lifestyle/Cats: George Washington Didn’t Sleep Here, But a Cat Did — Lee Duigon We humans are choosy: we always sleep in a bed, if possible. But cats are creative. They’ll sleep anywhere.
Lifestyle: Cat view Keep Smoking
Pet news you can use: Tips To Help You Care For Your Pet Dog — The Love of Forrest 849
Do you have a dog? Does someone you know have a dog? Are Suds and scissors dog grooming interested in
Lifestyle: Compressed Cats
Why do they do it? Why do cats like to squeeze themselves into absurdly small spaces? I mean, c’mon–do you
Lifestyle: Dog with no head?
Lifestyle: What’s missing? Keep Smoking Keep Smoking
Lifestyle: Your pets are your family/ Guest blogger
Lifestyle: I know this is going to be true for my dog and two cats. Once I head back to
Cigar lifestyle: We know our pets know us
Cigar events: We cannot do any better than the furry folks want. Keep smoking
Lifestyle: Pets are never boring
Lifestyle: My cats and dog can do absolutely nothing and I am amused by them. Here are photos to prove
Lifestyle: In no particular order
Lifestyle: As my thoughts about the pandemic are all over the place, so are these comments. What has kept me
Lifestyle; We can never get enough of furry family pictures
Lifestyle: In times of stress, take a cue from your pet family. Today is Cheetah’s 17th birthday. Keep smoking
Lifestyle: Under cover cat
Lifestyle: Low key lifestyle. Keep Smoking
Cigar news you can use: It’s about the company you keep
Cigar news: Over two weeks without a cigar. Here is my backup since the self imposed cigar hiatus. Keep smoking
Lifestyle: Stay on the sunny side
Lifestyle: Furry family knows how to keep the anxiety down. Keep smoking
Lifestyle: Animal Rites
Lifestyle: sharing their joy. Welcome 2020 Keep Smoking
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