For our money, there are few combinations finer than a great cigar enjoyed over a holes of golf. Like a
Tag: Cigar events
Cigar news you can use: Altadis U.S.A. Adding Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua — halfwheel
To celebrate the 85th anniversary of the Montecristo brand, Altadis U.S.A. will once again turn to AJ Fernandez to make
Cigar news you can use: Black cigar smokers find community — and business opportunities — amid the pandemic | NBC News — KOLUMN Magazine
Black cigar smokers had long faced exclusion from the broader cigar community. So they created their own. — Curtis Bunn,
Cigar events: Cut the crap
Cigar events: stay sane, Keep Smoking
Lifestyle: Not Actual Size — I Don’t Get It
Lifestyle: It’s Boston, so anything goes. Keep smoking Okay, so it’s 1932 on Milk Street in Boston, a street that
Lifestyle/music: Austin City Limits TV Season 46 Premieres with John Prine Tribute Episode: Watch
Music: one of my favorites Keep Smoking Season 46 of Austin City Limits TV premiered over the weekend with a
Cigar events: Small cigars shall inherit the earth
Cigar events: Let’s smoke Keep Smoking
Cigar events: Might be the best t shirt ever
Cigar events/ Life style Too true Keep Smoking
Cigar news you can use: Warped Eagles Descent Toro — cigar reviews
Cigar review: Warped Eagles Descent Toro. Late last year, Warped announced a new cigar. That would be the Warped Eagles
Pipe events: The old is still new
Pipe events: You got to like it Keep Smoking
Cigar news you can use: La Gloria Cubana Esteli Cigar Review — The Palm Beach Examiner
Cigar review. Keep smoking La Gloria Cubana Esteli. La Gloria Cubana Esteli takes the brand on a flight of exploration
Cigar events: Good to the last puff
Cigar events: Yes, Smoke Keep Smoking
Cigar news you can use:Crux Epicure Gordo — halfwheel
In July 2020, Crux announced that it was adding a sixth vitola to its red-banded Epicure line. The line was
These Kittens Will Generate 100 Views!
You just see if they don’t! Dude, this is one of the all-time great playful kitten videos, surely the one
Pipe news you can use: Breathing New Life into a Comoy’s Trend Bent Calabash 225
Blog by Steve Laug The next pipe on the work table came to me from either a trade I made
Lifestyle: Compressed Cats
Why do they do it? Why do cats like to squeeze themselves into absurdly small spaces? I mean, c’mon–do you
Cigar events: Lunch time break
Cigar events: catching up with the news Keep Smoking
Cigar events: Brick and Mortar
Cigar events: A true cigar establishment Keep Smoking
Cigar events: Smoke — Christopher’s space
I watched “Smoke,” the film with William Hurt and Harvey Keitel and directed by Wayne Wang. We see men feeling
Cigar news you can use: Smoking A Stogie – An Enjoyment Beyond The Fundamentals — The Journey of Bolton 218 Content author-Thuesen Ruiz Smoking cigarettes and stogies vary in style from pipelines, which are usually made of pure cigarette
Cigar news you can use: Viva La Vida Adds International Distribution — halfwheel
Cigar news: New products are always good. Keep smoking Viva La Vida, the debut brand of Artesano Del Tobacco, will
Cigar events: Need this right now
Cigar events: cooler for the night Keep Smoking
Lifestyle: The report is in.
Lifestyle: Just came home from my colonoscopy procedure. Anyone interested in the photos? Keep Smoking
Cigar events: Habano holdover
Cigar events: Another cigar brand I do not know Keep Smoking