Cigar news: Spent the afternoon at the Lone Wolf Cigar Lounge in Los Angeles reviewing the newest creation from Punch
Tag: cigar video
Cigar events: It’s a Cuban type of day
Cigar events: Bit of a chill hits the air in Los Angeles. However, Habano cigars bring out the heat. Keep
Cigar events: a seat of the pants cigar
Cigar events: any guesses what I am smoking? I have no clue. Keep Smoking
Cigar events: you can be green
Cigar events: Great weekend to be Irish. Keep Smoking
Cigar events : civil discourse
Cigar events: Making a statement, cigar wise. Keep smoking
Cigar events: smoke to nuts
Cigar events: watching the birds Keep smoking
Cigar events: pour me another cup of coffee
Cigar events: cigar version that is. Keep smoking

Cigar events: making a choice
Cigar events: Making a cigar decision on a hunch. Keep smoking
Cigar events: Hot time in The city of Angels
Cigar events: Been living in Los Angeles over 20 years and this is the hotest day on record. Keeping cool
Cigar events: G-L-O-R-I-A
Cigar Events: Here is a fan favorite from the 1990’s , still going strong. Reasonable price point and medium to
Cigar Events: Not looking for answers
Cigar events: My own event with Punch Cigars in the afternoon in Los Angeles. Keep smoking
Cigar Events: Saturday at the Lounge with Clay Roberts
Cigar events: Old crony Clay Roberts of La Palina Cigars popped up unexpectedly at the Lone Wolf Cigar Lounge this
Cigar events: My animals rule me
Cigar events/ Lifestyle Taking Miss Ruthie our beautiful female Bengal to the vet is always anxious provoking for the kitty
Cigar Events: The Dead approve
Cigar events: Really the Dead have nothing to do with my video. Just happened to be wearing Dead shirt from
Cigar events: How can you go wrong?
Cigar Events: Punch Sucker Punch This was a good smoke even though my recollection of indulging was rather vague. Live
Cigar Events: It needed to get done
Cigar Events: I never get bored hanging out at the Lone Wolf Cigar Lounge. Today I met a new cigar

Cigar events: Being good looking is not enough
Cigar events: Catchy title huh? Hope you look at the video , ignore the face and check out a bargin

Cigar events: Perdomo Habano at the abode
Cigar events: With Mandi enjoying the sun. Keep Smoking

Cigar events: The knee is swollen but the mind is soft
Cigar events : Back yard, cool day, smoking easy. It’s an LA thing. Keep Smoking

Cigar events: Keep the spirit
Cigar events: RoMacraft Tobac makes the day. Keeping the flame going on a coolish, rainy day in the city of

Cigar Events: Friday and we are sitting pretty
Cigar Events: Physical Therapy , then Punch London Club and chilly scene in Los Angeles. Keep smoking

Cigar Event: Because I can
Cigar event: Rehab walk of a mile or so,then Oliva Serie O cigar. Keep smoking
Cigar events: Camacho video clip
Cigar event: Opening up the weekend Keep smoking
Cigar Events: Thurday afternoon at the abode
Cigar events: Cooling my heels with a house blend from Holt’s cigars. No big review but a pleasant enough cigar
Cigar Events: Breaking out at The Lone Wolf Cigar Lounge
Cigar Events: A pleasant interlude at the Lone Wolf Cigar Lounge Quick update, this cigar was fabulous , not dry ,
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