2021 is my first tangible experience with loss The year just got started and it is already becoming abrupt.
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Lifestyle: Rd Winery Hundred Knot Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2017, California
It’s time to get my #FridayCabernetfix with this delicious Napa Cabernet. Dark ruby in color with a wide reddish rim.
Lifestyle: Hinter land
Lifestyle: Clouds make the day. Keep Smoking
Lifestyle: Fire and Ice
Lifestyle: Gas on Keep Smoking
Lifestyle: Baseball Red Sox
Lifestyle: weather what
Lifestyle: Cloudy
Lifestyle: Real rain in LA
Lifestyle: What is this?
Lifestyle: Don’t be a Step-Parent if You’re not Ready.
If anything that grates my tits, it is this chat. I have read a gazillion stories on social media groups,
Lifestyle: number 40
Love: Basketball great?
Cigar lifestyle: decide yourself
Cigar lifestyle: Out of the park Keep Smoking
Cigar events: in the woods
Cigar events: Rugged smoke Keep Smoking
Lifestyle: Kramer
Lifestyle: Watch this Keep smoking fb.watch/45sSl2XBvI/
Lifestyle/ Baseball, Red Sox
Lifestyle: Health
Lifestyle:Baseball Red Sox
Lifestyle: Benefits of Warm Water with Lemon…
To be stupid and selfish and to have good health are the three requirements for Happiness. Though if stupidity is
News; Media updated
Cigar events: choice 2
Cigar event: keeping the flavor
Cigar events: vintage smoke
Cigar events: gifted and Devine Keep Smoking
Cigar news you can use: first time for me
Cigar news: it’s been around but never smoked one before Keep Smoking
Lifestyle: Food items
Lifestyle: healthy and tasty Keep smoking
Lifestyle: Music stuff
Lifestyle: Dan Hicks youtube.com/watch
Lifestyle: Music
Lifestyle:CCR www.grunge.com/345435/the-tragic-death-of-creedence-clearwater-revivals-tom-fogerty/
Cigar events: Cigar for the liberation
Cigar events: Yes it is Keep Smoking
Cigar news you can use: New stuff
Crowned Heads Teases Lost Angel 2021 TAA Exclusive Crowned Heads has announced the upcoming release of The Lost Angel, a