Cigar events: Half corona hottie Keep Smoking
Tag: News
Lifestyle: Eerie stuff
Lifestyle: Foggy coast Keep Smoking
Cigar events: No knock entry
Cigar events; More than bull Keep Smoking
Cigar events: Born on a good sign
Cigar events: Double pleasure Keep Smoking
Lifestyle: Keeping the spirit going
Lifestyle: LA car scenario
Lifestyle: Wheels Keep smoking
Santa Clara D8 Robusto
This is a mild looking cigar from the European market. It will be formally released in the US by Redland
Cigar events: M is for ——-
Cigar events: Total bliss Keep Smoking
Lifestyle: Santa Monica , end of day
Lifestyle: Sleep well Keep Smoking
Cigar events: Two champions
Cigar events: Take a gander. Keep Smoking
Cigar events: Double blast
Cigar events: New stick on the block Keep Smoking
Cigar news you can use: Foundation Cigar Charter Oak Habano Robusto 2/6/21 — The Cigar Chairman Blog
AppearanceA medium brown colored wrapper with very few but thin veins and tightly wrapped seams. It has a nice oily
Lifestyle: Tree Art
Lifestyle: uncommon look Keep Smoking
Cigar events: And one
Cigar events: And it counts Keep Smoking
Lifestyle: Get Shorty
Lifestyle: Movie night Keep Smoking
Lifestyle: Concerned cat
Lifestyle: Need Help? Keep Smoking
Cigar events: it’s grand
Cigar events: Don’t wait Keep Smoking
Pipe events: Sailing with sail
Pipe new: An occasional pipe is good for you. Keep Smoking
Cigar events: Honduran heavyweight
Cigar events: the gloves are off Keep Smoking
Cigar events: known quality
Cigar events: Small is good Keep Smoking
Cigar news you can use: CAO FLATHEAD V21
Cigar news : I was a little late on this one but making up for my faux pas now. CAO
Cigar events: Bronze God
Cigar events: Not Gold, Bronze Keep Smoking
Lifestyle: LA night
Lifestyle: Up a canyon Keep Smoking
Lifestyle: Bad Publicity /commentary
I recently received a comment from a disgruntled blogger who was upset that I did not get permission or properly
Cigar news you can use: New product for the cigar crew
Cigar news: Yup, new from Diesel and General Cigar Keep Smoking