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Cigar Karma?


Cigar Events


This might be a stretch as Karma is often a series of circumstances which you have no control. Shit happens for many reasons. Here are two examples.

My good cigar friend Pat spends several weeks in Italy with his family. He goes to the same place every year , hangs out , drinks coffee , eats and has a wonderful time. He just left last Tuesday and said I will see you in mid August. Couple of days later I get an email from him telling me he was hit by a car crossing the street. The driver was texting , did not see him obviously and plowed into him running over his legs. As Cigar Karma had it while he was badly bruised and shaken up, he suffered no broken bones. He sent me a picture of his legs and it was not pretty. Yet, in a couple of days hopefully he will be back to full strength.

Story number two. I spent yesterday afternoon at the Lone Wolf Cigar Lounge with two buddies. The usual routine for me is after my smoke, I head across the street  to the neighborhood Ralph’s a large chain supermarket in Southern California. Pretty uneventful but there are circumstances that Karma brings.

I work the aisles get my assorted food items and realize I left my bags in the car and head into the parking lot to grab them. I discover shortly they were not there. Did I leave them home? Did I bring them in the market and someone grabbed them? I always have a reserve stash of bags in my car so I think it’s ok, I am cool.   Hustle back to my cart, but notice there is a container of Almond milk in it.  ?????

I get to the checkout counter , semi not paying attention, pay for my food and head to another market to get some additional items.  Get home , unpack and think that’s it. About an hour or so later my wife starts to prepare for diner and then realize many of the items I thought I bought never made it home.  No yogurt, no creamer, no lemons , and the list continues.  The food never made it out of the store so did I space out , did the cashier and bagger not put the food in my cart and what about the Almond milk? Did an interloper take my cart instead of did I?  I needed to go  back and get the stuff I was missing. I am now heading back again to even get more stuff.

Cigar Karma?

Keep smoking



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