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Lifestyle events: Don’t mess with Mother Earth


Commentary: Fire danger


For the last 2 days, we were caught up with the fire danger in the Los Angeles area.  Fortunately we were not forced to evacuate our abode but the  threat was there.

I could not get to work Wednesday as the 405 North and South was closed down as the wildfires were blazing all around the road. As the fire was focused on the east side of the 405 and we live on the west side, the fear was the fire would jump over and created an even more massive problem. This is a very densely populated area with narrow streets , and difficult to get around.

We live on a beautiful stretch of a road that is one way in and out and 5 miles long. This is also the danger of the area as a fire basically would trap you and escape would be very difficult.

We loaded up both our cars, clothing, papers, kitty and dog items and waited.

Watching TV news, waiting on text alerts and hearing the constant helicopter and airplane  noise flying to dump chemicals and water on the fire site.

The wind was bad, the smoke was worse and the anxiety tripled all of the hazards. The dog and cats felt the tension and also were acting out. 

We needed a place to stay if in fact we had to leave.  We made a number of calls to local hotels and this is what we discovered.


              Baffled in Los Angeles 


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