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Cigar news: Your favorite cigar is?


Cigar news: I was asked recently from a newish cigar smoker what my favorite cigar is. This is a very legitimate question as so many different cigars entered the discussion.While I do have certain cigars that I tend to smoke more than others, not sure if i would classify them as a go to cigar.

There are so many factors that enter a favorite cigar category. I think it’s best to let cigar smokers make their own opinion. When I write my reviews there is always a disclaimer that my thoughts are a subjective opinion and use the review as an informational gathering point.

Each cigar may have merits depending on strength, construction, flavor, burn, type of cigar, type of tobacco. Every blogger and reviewer have similar criteria they may use. The reviewer may stress some areas they deem more important in the overall makeup of the cigar. For example, if the cigar has great taste but falls apart in 20 minutes, probably not a favorite cigar. It’s important to get a consensus from several sources reviewing the same blend. Remember the cigar may have the same name but it may not be the same cigar. Check on the vintage of the tobacco, where it was made, whether the blend changed from year to year. A robusto will probably taste different from a lancero as they burn differently.

However I may not have answered the question the novice smoker asked. Really simple to answer.

My favorite cigar happens to be the one I am smoking at that moment.

Keep smoking

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