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Cigar news you can use: Decision time


Cigar news:


I have had several affiliate  cigar distributors on my web site with my intent to earn commissions when someone buys product from them.

The bottom line for me was to earn income , increase my visibility , attract new followers and expand my site to make it more widely read.  I have had some success in this regard as there is an occaisional commission from a site or two but mostly have had no response from followers.

This is somewhat frustrating as while I never expected to “grow rich” from commissions, was thinking it would have been better received. The deals were good, the products well-known and the banners were attractive.

After consulting with several folks who know more about this than I do, have decided to make a change in how I handle this.

I will drop the non producing companies and limit the cigar affiliate sponsors to three.

Banner ads  and web links will be offered to companies for monthly fees depending on the size of their banner and placement. Companies will have several options on this program. 

I will also add non cigar related sponsors on the site as the site is not an exclusive cigar webpage.

My mission when I started the blog was to create a fun site where cigars were discussed, reviewed and other topics would also be discussed. This mix would be also attractive to sponsors so they can sell their wares directly to followers.

As followers have increased,  the next step is to take the website in a slightly different direction.

If you have ideas or feedback would love hearing from you.

Keep smoking

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