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Music/Lifestyle: Game of Thrones Concert



Last night we took in the Game of Thrones Concert experience. I am not part of the cult that follows the show or book. I have seen one half of one episode and basically recall nothing of that show. 

I do know that people love the show with ferocious intensity. I mention all this because the music score is so well-known and used in so many genres. The theme is probably almost as well-regarded by some as the Star Wars theme.

My take on the Game of Thrones concert was it was totally spectacular. The music was foremost stunning and imaginative. Throw in the visual effects , the skills of the   musicians, special features, clips of the show itself,  so  be prepared for the total mind, body event.

The concert is  now travelling to many cities all over the country. If you are in close proximity of that city, I suggest make the jaunt to the show. It was unlike any musical event I have ever seen.

Keep smoking

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