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Cigar events: The joy of smoking with friends


Cigar events:  This is the beauty of the cigar world where ever your cigar leads.  You meet great people without rancor.  It was a typical Saturday afternoon smoking a cigar with several friends. We regularly meet just about every Saturday around 1230 pm at the Lone Wolf Cigar Lounge in Los Angeles.

The core group has shunken somewhat through the years as several of the crew have moved away. However, whoever is around knows the drill, meet and  smoke.

I got there a few minutes early and the Wolf was pretty quiet as the only other patron there was a film editor who I knew was working on a project. In LA, everyone is working on a project of some sort. We had a cordial greeting but I moved to another area to claim a corner of the lounge to smoke when my friends came in. They showed up about 15 minutes later while I had my cigar, cutter and lighter ready to roll.

While we sat down and talked a bit , another man came in and asked to join us. We introduced ourselves and he said his name was Craig and was spending a couple of hours at the Wolf as he was on vacation with his wife on a jaunt to LA.

In his introduction, he let us know that he was a C130 pilot , from Baton Rouge and a Marine. He also was wearing a very spiffy hat which I made a comment about.

In the course of conversation with all of us , we discovered some of his families history, his hopes for the future after his commitment ends with the Marines and his wife is expecting in Febuary.

In turn we told him a little about ourselves but mostly we talked about cigars and nothing in general. No mention of politics or other topics that would stress. The meandering chat was great and fun.

Eventually I needed to leave as errands awaited. I gifted him a Partegas petite corona, Habano which he immensely appreciated. We shook hands, wished him well and another cigar friendship was established.

The power of the cigar is world wide despite all the naysayers who frown upon friends of the leaf.  Let’s spread the word of good cigars, one person at a time.

Keep Smoking

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