Lifestyle: As we continue to stay put to protect ourselves in the Corona virus crisis, I will try to keep busy and post what I did today. May not be exciting but will give me another way to keep my mind off of what is going on.
As it stands today:

Slept till 10 am, ( I never do this as I get up for work at 530 am )
Cream cheese and bagel breakfast
Worked out for 40 minutes of the bike and then did bicep curls and shoulder presses.
( This was a pretty light workout but I need to get back into a program. I will also post programs for anyone who wants one as I am NASM Fitness Certified with specialities in golf and senior fitness. )
Did see an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm while I biked.
Took Mandi the dog for a walk of about 1/2 mile in the hood. Lots of people taking walks, biking and staying their distance.
Tonight will do some reading and tv watching. Diner will be prepared too.
In my mind, we are going to be in place for at least a month.
Stay smart and safe.
Keep smoking