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Cigar news you can use: Moving ahead?

InterTabac 2019

Cigar news: Might happen and then again, it might not.

Keep smoking


May 14, 2020 Press Release

The last weeks and months of the Corona pandemic have brought different challenges for almost all industries. The event and especially the exhibition industry has suffered particularly from the measures imposed by authorities worldwide. “Nevertheless, the latest signals from the political arena mean that we are once again somewhat more positive about holding trade fairs in Dortmund,” says Sabine Loos, General Manager of the Westfalenhallen Group of Companies.

The authorities are currently discussing what the conditions for trade fair organisers may be to be able to hold trade fairs with a limited number of persons and hygiene measures after 31 May 2020. What these will look like in detail will be announced in the next few days or weeks.

“Subsequently, we will evaluate these measures and, on this basis, coordinate our further course of action – especially with regard to InterTabac and InterSupply,” Sabine Loos continues. “We assume that the voting on this should be completed by the end of May, beginning of June.”

Messe Dortmund is working at full speed to develop concepts for holding trade fairs. Even at the beginning of the corona pandemic, various measures were successfully introduced at the Dortmund exhibition grounds and an information campaign was launched via various channels to draw attention to the correct way to deal with hygiene issues. With the forthcoming relaxation from June 2020, new requirements will be imposed on trade fair organisers. These will be incorporated into the overall concept of Messe Dortmund and included in the planning for InterTabac and InterSupply.

The world’s largest trade fair for tobacco products and smokers’ requisites will take place at Messe Dortmund from 18 to 20 September 2020.

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