Site icon Urban Fishing Pole Cigars

Cigar news you can use: Making the contest easier


Cigar news: I received some feedback from followers and readers who said it was too difficult to maneuver on the website to answer the question for the contest.

This was the first time I heard about this and not sure why it was a daunting task to sign up for emails to follow the site.

So , considering what I was told , this change will make it easier to answer the question.

Here are three choices for you to consider and email me your pick to Urbanfishingpolecigars@gmail and label cigar contest. You can enter as many times as you like.

A winner will be picked from all the correct responses , chosen randomly.

The new rules will not require you to sign up on or @urbanfishingpolecigars twitter account. You can do that on your own if you feel like it.

Hope that makes it easier.

The question for the contest is : 

The question for the contest is: What was the name of the first cigar I ever smoked ?

Choose from the following choices:

A. Macanudo Lonsdale

B. Hav a Tampa Tip

C. Phillies Tip

Keep smoking

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