Cigar news: Love all cigar smokers.
Keep smoking
Red Lips Fashionista of the Week: Salicia “Lisa” Belton |
Happy 4th of July Weekend
According to the CDC, we must continue to be mindful of social distancing this Fourth-Of-July Weekend. Wear a cloth face covering and stay at least six feet from others if attending a holiday event or gathering. Without further ado, thank you for joining us and reading another great article here at Red Lips and Cigar Sticks®.
We are happy to have you as one of our new, and/or faithful readers!
Today’s Red Lips Fashionista of the week is Lisa Belton out of Waldorf, MD.

Lisa has been an avid cigar smoker for 10 years. She was first introduced to cigar by her husband. Lisa’s first cigar experience was not the most enjoyable one, as after being warned several times, not to inhale the cigar smoke, especially, the Maduro cigar that she tired that her husband was smoking. And, of course, she naturally inhaled when she puffed her husband’s cigar, which left a bad taste in her mouth and more importantly, in the lungs. This totally scared and shied Lisa away from ever trying a cigar again for over a year, but she later mustard of the confidence to embrace the cigar culture and lifestyle, properly, with her husband’s guidance and doing her own research. She later found herself turning into a more polished and seasoned cigar smoker.

Lisa loves being a part of the cigar culture and she definitely enjoys educating women on the whole cigar experience from picking a cigar, cutting a cigar, lighting a cigar, and ultimately, being comfortable with the cigar lifestyle.
Cigars are to be enjoyed with great company, great music or alone with just your thoughts. I love to travel and enjoy cigars in different and unique places such as on the beach, in caves, in the mountains, and on yachts.
Over the course of the years as a cigar smoker, Lisa identifies that smoking cigars can be an outstanding experience, which should not be rushed, and one should embrace the lifestyle.

When smoking a cigar Lisa likes to pair her cigars with a good wine such as Veuve Clicquot, and/or one of her favorite martinis, a Lemon Drop. And, if she is watching a football game, which she is a Dallas Cowboys fan, we will not hold that against her…. LOL, but she loves an ice-cold beer. Lisa smokes cigars such as Perdomo 20th anniversary Sun Grown and the Queen B by Fuente.
I also love to travel and enjoy house blend cigars from different cigar lounges.
Being a Red Lips Fashionista means that you are a cigar lover and of course, our readers want to know what does fashion means to our features. When we asked Lisa this question, she adamantly said that “Fashion is what she makes it!”
Fashion is a way to introduce myself without saying a word. I love to dress outside of the box and to be different. I love not going by what the trends are, as I set my own trend and style, by mixing patterns or things that most people will not think to put together.
Lisa attributes her signature look to always carrying a great handbag and that she often selects her bag choice based on the design of her outfit.

I live by the motto that the clothes do not make me, I make the clothes.
You can learn more about this Red Lips Fashionista on Instagram: @cigarchicdmv
Keep It Smokey and Fashionable!
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Thanks for visiting and I hope you’ve become inspired!
Peace and Love! Ni

Author: Naimah “Ni” Pears
Red Lips and Cigar Sticks® is a digital media magazine blog, where the Cigar Lifestyle, Beauty & Fashion is Celebrated. We’re an E-Commerce Business, we sell Apparel & Clothing.