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Cigar news you can use: Mini review


Cigar news : Let’s be direct. As much as I enjoy La Gloria Cubana Cigars , sometimes a cigar may not meet your expectations.

I received this new blend from General Cigar for review. Here are the basic facts.

1. Mexican San Andres wrapper, with a Nicaraguan binder and Nicaraguan and Dominican filler.

2. SRP range is $7.99 to $8.99 according to size.

3. The cigar started out with promise with a big hit of black spice, nuts and earth.

4. We started to have problems with the construction about 1/3 into the smoke.

5. Several relights and the fight was on. The draw was dreadful , which signaled the cigar and I were not on the same wavelength.

6. I wanted to give the smoke a chance but it was not to be.

7. I buried the cigar in the proper receptacle and said goodbye.

8. Fortunately I do have several other of the Serie S line and will give it a second chance down the line.

No rating for the present.

Keep smoking.

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