Cigar news: This question came up yesterday at my local cigar lounge. Here is what I learned.

Aging of cigars is a process that can enhance the flavor, aroma, and burn of premium cigars. It involves storing the cigars in a controlled environment of temperature and humidity for a certain period of time, allowing the tobaccos to blend and purge impurities. Aging can also reduce the harshness and strength of some cigars, making them smoother and more balanced.
There are different stages of aging for cigars. The first one is the aging of the tobacco leaves after they are harvested and fermented. This can take from two years to a decade, depending on the type and quality of the tobacco. The second stage is the aging of the cigars after they are rolled and packaged. This can take from a few months to several years, depending on the preference of the smoker. The third stage is the aging of the cigars by the consumer in their own humidor. This is optional, but some aficionados like to age their cigars for longer periods to achieve their desired taste.
Some factors that affect the aging of cigars are:
- The size and shape of the cigar: Larger ring gauge cigars tend to age better than smaller ones, because they have more tobacco inside that is shielded from external influences. They also have more complexity and variety of tobaccos that can benefit from aging.
- The wrapper of the cigar: The wrapper is the most visible and flavorful part of the cigar, and it can also influence how well a cigar ages. Some wrappers, such as Maduro, are already aged and fermented for a long time before they are used, so they may not change much with further aging. Other wrappers, such as Connecticut Shade, are more delicate and may lose some of their flavor and color with aging.
- The storage conditions: The ideal conditions for aging cigars are similar to those for storing them: around 70 degrees Fahrenheit and 70 percent relative humidity. Any deviation from these parameters can affect the aging process negatively or positively. For example, higher humidity can speed up the fermentation and aging of the cigars, but it can also increase the risk of mold and tobacco beetles. Lower humidity can slow down the aging process, but it can also dry out the cigars and make them brittle.
- The personal preference: Ultimately, how long to age a cigar depends on what kind of flavor and experience one is looking for. Some people prefer fresh and young cigars that have more intensity and bite, while others prefer aged and mellow cigars that have more subtlety and smoothness. There is no right or wrong answer, as long as one enjoys their cigar.
If you want to learn more about aging cigars, you can check out these sources:
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