Cigar events: She leads and I follow. Keep smoking
Cigar review: Hair of the Dog by Diesel
Cigar review: I was going to get very cutesy with dog
Cigar news : My level of influence
Cigar news: According to RightRelevance Digest who tracks these sort of things. Top ratings are a nice badge of honor.
Cigar events: Priming the pump
Cigar events : Getting the goods ready. Keep Smoking
Cigar events: Trump blockade and grid lock
Cigar events: Trump entourage blocking LA roads so got to relax with this. Keep Smoking
Cigar News you can use: Quality comes in a small package
Cigar news : MONTECRISTO CLASSIC NOW OFFERED AS MINI CIGARILLO Montecristo Classic Cigarillo Mini offers the same quality smoking
Cigar events: Cigar first, burgers later.
Cigar events: Actually meatless burger. Keep Smoking
Cigar events: Loose thoughts and smoke interlude
Cigar events: Mandi the dog and me finding nothing in particular. Keep Smoking
Cigar events: Aggressively pleasing
Cigar events: calm and comfortable. Keep smoking
Cigar events: I am not really sure
Cigar events: Sometimes a gifted cigar is? Keep Smoking
Lifestyle: eating in Santa Monica
Lifestyle: SoCal living spring time. Keep Smoking
Cigar news you can use: General Cigar presents the Diesel Hair of the Dog
Cigar news: Here’s the scoop. A review will be tracking soon. However, just take a gander at these good looking
Lifestyle: Plants make their own path
Lifestyle : Life is always on course. Keep Smoking
Cigar news : Villiger Cigars struts their product
Cigar news: I like getting cigars to review and the kind folks at Villiger Cigars sent me their latest gems.
Cigar Events: the dog told me to do this
Cigar events; I had no choice. Keep Smoking
Cigar news: Press Release, new stuff from a cigar favorite, Xurvivor Cigars
XURVIVOR AMERICANO 661 AND GREEN COCK LIMITED EDITIONS TAMPA, Florida – March 27, 2019 – Xurvivor Cigars announced today the launch
Cigar news you can use: You should have been there
Cigar news: The creme of the cigar lovers event. Next year perhaps? Keep smoking Big Smoke Rocks Florida at the
Lifestyle: Tea for the Tillerman
Lifestyle: Bengal Spice tea from different eras. 2006 / 2019 Keep Smoking
Lifestyle: beauty that surrounds us.
Lifestyle: Blooming for enjoying life. Keep smoking
Cigar news you can use: It’s got to be good
Cigar news: The folks at J.C. are putting it out for you . Now it’s your job to smoke it.
Cigar events: a seat of the pants cigar
Cigar events: any guesses what I am smoking? I have no clue. Keep Smoking
Cigar Events: change of heart
Cigar events: Now am beginning to like them. Needed to give them a chance. Keep Smoking
Cigar news you can use: Join the team
Cigar news: If you stand by the sidelines , your cigar life might end. Get involved and work the cause.
Cigar commentary: What is your pleasure?
Cigar lifestyle: I had a recent discussion with a group of cigar friends about the merits of bundled cigars. What
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