Cigar events/lifestyle: The green is popping up. Keep smoking
Tag: Cigar events
Lifestyle: Darkness falls during the day.
Lifestyle: Light before the day gets too long. Keep smoking
Cigar events: cigars for super bowl
Cigar events: crowds for cigars. Keep smoking
Cigar events: A visit to the Shamlux Lounge, Granada Hills, Ca.
Cigar events/news: I have not been back to the Shamlux Cigar Lounge in Granada Hills, Ca. in several years. The
Cigar events: Smoked ,review to follow soon.
Cigar events: Meant to write the text of the review last night. Other things got in the way. Here is
Cigar events: Habano heaven
Cigar events: could be anywhere. Keep smoking
Fitness news you can use: Golfers need this
Fitness news/lifestyle: A way to lower your score and get better overall golf mechanics. I’m certified in Golf Fitness from
Cigar events: city smoke, LA style
Cigar events: Dog and me. The way it is. Keep smoking
Cigar news you can use: Move to the present : reported by Cigar Aficionado/Punch rebranding
Cigar news: Punch a favorite brand of mine will now be sporting a new design and look. The products will
Cigar events: it never ends
Cigar events : keep finding these cigars in my humidor. Good for me. Keep smoking
Cigar events: Mandi knows cigars
Cigar events: Finally drying out. Keep smoking
Cigar news you can use: New hookup,
Cigar news: Years in the making or at least in 2019. Great deals and cigar folks. Check out their website
Cigar events: A Villiger moment
Cigar events: Serenity now with Viliger Cigars. Keep smoking
Lifestyle: Floodgates
Lifestyle: What LA calls winter. Keep smoking
Cigar events: No snow day
Cigar events: Los Angeles climate change. Keep smoking
Lifestyle: Rain in LA, watch out
Lifestyle: two examples of what happens when it rains in Los Angeles Keep smoking.
Cigar events: Govern by nonsense
Cigar events: Nothing gets done. Keep smoking
Cigar review: Camacho on cue
Cigar review : This is my first review of 2019 . Was attempting to push the review out almost 2
Cigar review: Not yet
Cigar review: Was planning to write my review of the Camacho Corojo yesterday but did not achieve the goal. It
Cigar events: I’m not Khrushchev
Cigar events: Cold War revisited. Keep smoking
Cigar news you can use: Growing slowly
Cigar news: My site now has 100 followers. It’s actually climbed somewhat over that figure but thanks to the posse
Cigar news you can use: Stand alone and be your own person/cigar company
Cigar news: Ventura Cigars is now unattached which means cigar smokers can appreciate their products even more.

Cigar events: 68 years in the making
Cigar events: Happy Birthday to me. What a long, strange trip it’s been. Keep on trucking. Keep smoking
Cigar events: 2019 Cigar resolutions
Cigar commentary: Some thoughts as we enter 2019 as the cigar world turns. 1. Pay less attention to the price
Cigar Events: Today in LA
Cigar events: All around the block. Keep smoking
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