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Lifestyle:  Getting the right Personal Fitness Trainer

Finding a fitness trainer sounds like a simple enough task.

Go to a gym look for the biggest dude and ask him to work out with you.

Another method could be asking your friend to train you. ( not a good idea) The reality is there are many ways to find a trainer. What you actually need though is a good trainer who knows what they are doing. Here are some key components to look for.

I always felt the critical skills for a trainer  important but the how they work with the client is critical.

They may know their stuff but that is not enough.  If you butt heads with them all the time, if you don’t like their training methods,  or don’t feel comfortable with their style, in the long run it will probably not work.

Your judgment will be the final determinant in your decision. Mull it over and think about for several days. The trainer/client relationship is based on trust and if this feels shaky, you have a bad fit.

Keep smoking and keep working out.


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