Cigar events: Been running around trying to get my health insurance in order. Also had a doctor’s appointment to check
Month: June 2018
Cigar news you can use: Total anal retentive cigar fascists
Cigar news you can use: Figure out the hypocrisy of the school administrators and their lack of responsiblity to their
Cigar news you can use: An old fashoned brand for your pleasure. Topper Cigars.
Cigar news: Not the first brand you think of in today’s hip cigar market but they are still producing quality
Cigar news you can use: What is your fancy?
Cigar news: They said it could not be done but here it is. Famous Smoke Shop and Drizly put together
Cigar events: World of confusion
Cigar events: Lots of events today , mostly resulting in confusion. Dealing with health insurance makes life uneasy. However, no
Cigar news you can use: new toys to play with/press release, Lotus Group
Cigar news: Good looking and spiffy products from Lotus. Grab a new lighter and get you cigar smoking. Keep smoking
Cigar review: Beuenaventura redux
Cigar review: Several weeks ago I reviewed the Buenaventura BV 654 and did not give
Cigar news you can use: Make the FDA squrim
Cigar news: Here are some essential ways your voice as a cigar smoker and taxpayer can be heard in the
Lifestyle/Cats: Best cats pictures ever
Lifestyle: Cheetah the Bengal cat, making us all look bad. Keep smoking
Cigar Events: Lone Wolf Cigar Lounge, every mother’s son
Cigar events: Spending so much time here lately, might have to bring a cot and do sleepovers. Keep smoking
Cigar events: Java and cigars
Cigar events: You cannot beat it , Cappuccino and cigars. Keep smoking
Cigar news/lifestyle you can use: Candy of the Gods
Cigar news/ lifestyle: If you lived in the east coast you were familiar with Necco wafers. Sweet, bite size treats.
Cigar news you can use: Down memory lane with Famous Cigars/Cigar Advisor
Cigar news: What was your first smoke? Good question. My first premium cigar was a Macanudo in 1973 while I was
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