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Cigar news you can use: Next time you are in Europe


Cigar news: I have not been to Germany in years but if I get a hankering for a LA Flor Dominicana cigar, here we go.

Keep smoking

As reported by Cigar Journal


La Flor Dominicana is teaming up with Agio Cigars to distribute their cigars in Germany and the Netherlands. The partnership started in Germany this summer.

“After the deal with our previous distributors came to an end we were waiting for the right people to come along and Agio answered our call,” vice president Tony Gomez says. “They have an extremely well developed sales team and it’s obvious the retailers have a lot of respect for them. So far we’re really impressed.”

“We’ve known each other for quite a time now and I think what connects us is that we’re both family businesses,” Boris Wintermans, CEO of Agio Cigars. “When we first started talking about this we noticed instantly that we have the same philosophy about cigars, which is really good.”

The week before InterTabac in Dortmund they started distribution in the Netherlands where La Flor Dominicana hasn’t had any distribution for three years. “We started off with a warm welcome, where we invited all the Dutch retailers and they’re all happy La Flor Dominicana are back,” Wintermans continues. “We already have a good setup and our customers trust us, so it’s good for us to be working with a brand that’s also trusted.”

And the plan is hopefully to expand the collaboration. “We can’t say more than that right now, but we’re hoping to expand,” Gomez says. “We’re in a large expansion phase at the moment and I think this means that we’re going to see a lot of growth.”

“We’ve taken our first steps and so far so good,” Wintermans adds. “I’d love to do more. We’ll see what happens. I can probably think of a hundred more things I’d like to do. If some of those materialize I will be happy.”

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