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Lifestyle: Minor history lesson


Lifestyle: Today was the day I moved from the wilds of Upstate Cortland NY,  to the urban haunts of Boston , Ma.  The quick version of why i did this is as follows.

Through a series  of phone calls, letters and a couple of in person visits, I decided to move in  with at the time girlfriend , Dorna. 

In reality , this decision was made after 4 days of staying with her in Hartford , Conn. where she worked.  You could call this decision hasty but the mind at the time thought this was a good move.

The year was 1977 and I was basically doing very little since I graduated Cortland College in 1976 with a MS. degree in recreation and health.  Mainly I looked for work,slept in, played basketball and held a job here and there. 

In the days before internet and cell phones , people actually wrote to each other and Dorna and I wrote each other every week. We met on a blind date through a mutual friend of ours in Hartford , Conn.

As the days and months developed , Dorna received a job offer from Honeywell Computers and said I should move with her. She would find an apartment and I would look for job in Boston. Until I found a job , she would pay the rent. 

As my world was going nowhere , this appealed to me and I accepted the wonderful invite.

The full details  of this move will be explained further  in another blog but October 4, is the day I traveled the 300 miles from upstate NY to Boston and set up shop in a new town with no friends and no job. 

What a long , strange trip it’s been.

Keep smoking

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