Lifestyle: Jan 21,1977

Lifestyle: Today is the anniversary of my father’s death in Queens, New York.

Gerhard was born in Berlin , May6, 1907 and died January 21, 1977. He was 69 years of age.

His life was full of promise but WW2 and the Nazi’s certainly changed his path.

A man of true grit , intelligence, and perseverance, he helped forge new life for the 20,000 Jews who escaped from Central Europe and made the daunting journey to Shanghai China.

Gerhard finally ended up in the United States in 1947, finding a home for his wife Ruth and 6 year old daughter Eva.

Life began again and while his escape from hell was part of history, he made the best of it in his new world.

It’s a story that spanned several continents and countries and his life was one to know about.

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