Lifestyle: Animal world

I realized today how much time I spend with animals in all sorts of different environments. This a great way to enjoy my day.
Here is a rundown of my animal time yesterday.
Played with my dog , tossing a ball , rough housing with her and also tug of war with any toy she grabs. We also took a walk which was about a half hour.
Watched on the tube , several animal shows including The Zoo, Lucky Dog and a vet show . This totalled about 3 hours of the day.
Went to a friend’s house to see two kitties she is fostering , played with them. One was a Manx kitten and the other a 6-year-old Seal point. They were wonderful.
Fed our two cats and dog which means getting up around 630 am and feeding then around 6 pm at night.
Fed the birds that come to our backyard and then watched their antics. The squirrels love the birdseed but I do not chase them away from eating it.
We also have Coyotes on our street but did not see them this time. Usually see a couple a day.
This might be a busier than average animal day but wish I had more time with them.
Keep smoking