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Cigar news you can use: Quickie reviews


Cigar news: I smoked several cigars the last couple of days and will give you my thoughts on them. Nothing elaborate but you will get the ideas.

La Aroma De Cuba Reservation Toro.

1. Smoked this past Friday at the Lone Wolf Cigar Lounge in Los Angeles , where it also was purchased. The day sucked with intense , winds and rain but the good vibes of the cigar made up for the shitty weather.

2. Medium to full bodied , very smooth throughout the length of the smoke which lasted app. 1 hour and 20 minutes.

3. Nice mix of nuts, coffee and malt with a mild spice that gave the body a bit more kick.

4. Great burn and construction, no problems with any aspect of the smoke.

5. Good choice for all types of cigar smokers and it is a top flight cigar. Don’t hesitate if you see the cigar sitting at B & M’s humidor. Buy several for your collection.

4.5 out of 5 on all accounts. Keep smoking

El Rey Del Mundo Maduro

This was received as a mistake but it was a good mistake. I ordered a box of soon to be out of business from Serious Cigars. If anyone knows why they are going out of business let me know.

What I ordered was the El Rey Del Mundo Choix Supreme Oscaro wrapper but was sent the wrong wrapper. Instead of sending it back , I kept the box thinking if I did not like it, would gift them to friends. I actually gifted a bunch before I even smoked the blend .

Sunday came around and with a smoking buddy around , we both tried the smoke.

1. The construction was excellent with no obvious faults or issues. The Maduro wrapper glistens with oil and solid to the touch.

2. This is a very flavorful cigar with chocolate , cashews, and coffee. This is what you expect from a Maduro wrapped cigar.

3. Medium throughout the smoke, and the flavor profile remained constant, with a bit more of red pepper near the tail end of the cigar.

4. No problems at all with any aspect of the smoking experience, no relights , tunneling or uneven burn

5. Moderate in price but not in taste, keep it in your rotation . I have been smoking El Rey Del Mundo for over ten years but this is my first go the Maduro blend.

6. The numbers are very consistent with a 4.2 out of 5 final tab.

Keep smoking

Number 3 now reporting. The weather remained too cold and wet to smoke outside so they venue was the Lone Wolf Cigar Lounge in west Los Angeles again.

I don’t believe I have ever had a subpar Fuente cigar. Mind you, I have smoked some which did not give me the proper cigar hit at that moment, but there was nothing wrong with the cigar. It was just at that moment in time , not what I should have smoked.

1. The Chateau Fuente Queen B is a beautiful looking design of a cigar, the standard cigar label, with a nicely wrapped cedar cover .2

2. Found no blemishes in the wrapper, or other construction issues. Dark brown wrapper with a oily sheen, solid touch.3

3. Flavor was stronger than I thought it would be. Strong spice presence, coffee, dark chocolate and a pleasing citrus dash.

4. No need for corrections and it burned very true .

5. The Fuente brand has been a leader for outstanding , consistent products for the last thousand years or so. Just keep smoking them.

6. The numbers are clear. 4.6 out of 5.

Keep smoking

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