Cigar review: I like passing on reviews from other bloggers on products that seem to be worth trying out. Lancero’s
Urban Fishing Pole Cigars
Cigar Blogger, fitness advocate, lifestyle creator
Cigar news you can use: An interesting article from
Cigar news: A fun story to read and informative too. Keep smoking When Were Cigars Invented? A Brief History of
Cigar Events: Crafted smoke for today
Cigar Events: Still working on my rehab with progress coming in small pieces. Patience is the key as serious injuries
Cigar news you can use: Important reminder to join CRA
Cigar News: If you are member , great and keep on top of important cigar issues , if not you
Cigar news you can use: High end humidor for your cigar stash
Cigar News; If you like to treat your cigars with kid gloves, here is the humidor that will take you
Cigar news you can use: Famous cigars making updates on their site/news release
Famous Smoke Shop Unleashes the Upgraded Cigar Monster 2.0 Leading Online Retailer Releases New & Improved Daily Cigar Deal
Cigar news you can use: It’s rum, mate
Article and Photography by Richard Carleton Hacker. Cigar news: The “High Five” of Rums RICHARD CARLETON HACKER EmailShare on FacebookTweet
Cigar news you can use: AB in the headlines
NEW CIGARS AND RE-RELEASE FROM ALEC BRADLEY Alec Bradley is coming out with new cigars to round up the portfolio.
Cigar Review: The Sea by Nicholas J.
Cigar Review: The Sea. Rough waters ahead? Discovering a new cigar brand is a journey into the unknown. My expectations
Cigar Events: Breaking out at The Lone Wolf Cigar Lounge
Cigar Events: A pleasant interlude at the Lone Wolf Cigar Lounge Quick update, this cigar was fabulous , not dry ,
Cigar news you can use: Villiger cigars spreading sunshine
Cigar news: Just received these good looking, highly rated cigars from Villiger Cigars. A review will be forthcoming shortly. Villiger
Lifestyle: Pushing forward to recovery
Lifestyle: The long and winding road As my injury heals, I am understanding and respecting how the body reacts to
Cigar Events: Cigar lands time forgot
Cigar Events: When I travel , I make it a point, to find a local cigar establishment and
Cigar news you can use: History in the making
Cigar news: A great venue in the Los Angeles area. Right off the 405 and 101 freeway in Sherman Oaks.
Cigar Review: At the abode with Davidoff
Cigar Review;A light, flavorful cigar with a taste of mint, hay and cloves. Perfect for 30 minutes of bliss. Keep
Cigar news you can use: battle lines drawn?
Cigar news: The sale of Thompson Cigars to the Scandinavian Tobacco Group has created quite the stir in the trenches
Cigar news you can use: Worth reading again
Cigar news: From Best Cigar Prices. Why do you smoke cigars? Cigar bloggers answers the question. Keep smoking Premium
Cigar news you can use: Football is finally over
Cigar news: Looking forward to baseball I am footballed out even though I am not a fanatical fan of
Cigar Event: Lone Wolf Cigar Lounge
Keep smoking
Cigar Events: Short term
Cigar events: Enjoy the moment as we always realize you are not in charge. Keep smoking
Cigar news you can use: North to Alaska
Lawmaker Could Thwart Alaska Smoking Ban Proposal Again A proposal to ban smoking in bars and restaurants across Alaska has
Cigar Events: A good moment
Cigar event: After PT, (pretty painful today) , an Olivia Serie O toro Keep smoking
Cigar News you can use: The master comes up with another gem
Cigar News: Take a look at this new blend and smoke away. Keep smoking Small Smoke From E.P. Carrillo
Cigar news you can use: As the cigar world turns
Cigar news: This is a biggie. Thompson of Tampa one of best known of the giant catalogue stores is now
Cigar News: Am I wrong about this?
Cigar news and Commentary: This a short take and a question to my readers. There are certain cigar brands that
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