It’s time for another cigar review with this interesting blend from Famous Cigars. As always the review are my thoughts
Author: Urban Fishing Pole Cigars
Plenty of cigars to choose
There are countless cigar blends to indulge in. Finding the time, making choices and just giving new product a shot
Smaller gauge Cuban cigars
. These are 3 products that sell very well in Spain and are 30 minute smokes. I have tried all
We have all been here before: Falto cigars
I purchased this cigar from a small cigar B and M in Brentwood a couple of weeks ago upon the
Cigar folks are the nicest people
Had a very pleasant conversation with Egda Lovo this past week as he was rolling cigars for a golfing event
Hip Town and Hip Cigar Joint: The Occidental Cigar Club
Wherever I go, I make it a point to find the local cigar B & M’s. Sometimes I hit pay
Punch Punch Tubo Habano review
Is every Cuban perfect or do we like to over hype them? Here is a review of the famed Punch
Sneak preview : Dignity Cigars with DonJuan Gross
I had the pleasure of smoking with DonJuan Gross, owner of Dignity Cigars recently and of course we talked about
Romeo Y Julieta House of Capulet cigar review
When reviewing a new cigar product you must be aware of your subjective bias. The marketing from the manufacturer will
Wishful thinking for a cigar maven
If you enjoy a stash of Cuban beauties here there are Keep smoking
Hold it tight or loose.
One of my cigar crew sent me this poster on how you hold your cigar. You can read into it
Mostly hits the mark
I imagine crafting a radio show is very similar to crafting a cigar. Different pieces need to fit in order
Was it worth the wait?
I have been storing an El Rico Habano Churchill in my humidor for over 5 years. It’s not as I
It’s tough to light a cigar without accessories – Xikar products
There are many methods that are used to light up your beloved stogie. Just to name a few we have
We can’t always get what we want
I was gifted a Guillermo Leon corona by a cigar buddy of mine who said he was impressed by this
new connection
Now a member of A site for like minded cigar friends with comments, reviews and other good stuff. Check
Cigar Friendly
An expensive resort to be sure but the Terranea Resort in Rancho Palos Verdes is a cigar friendly resort which
Happy Fourth to all
Light up your favorite for USA’s holiday
Good to the last puff
Juan Lopez is another one of those Cuban brands that are overlooked by the masses. They do not have the
Cigars across the coast
Whenever or wherever I travel, I make an attempt to hit a local B and M Cigar shop. I check
A short review for a short cigar
Vegueros Pinar Del Rio, Cuba Purchased a small batch of this Cuban cigar and smoked 3 of them so far
A cigar of note San Cristobal De Habana
San Cristobal De Habana is not a Cuban cigar which makes the top tier list with everyone. Limited production and
The way it used to be. Caught in a time warp
Check out this ad that a friend of mine sent me. Certainly one from the past and of a bygone
Visit to Levitt and Peirce Cigar Store Cambridge Ma.
Some views of this storied cigar store in Cambridge Ma.