Cigar news: Best Cigar prices asked a group of cigar bloggers ( including yours truly ) a great question. Why
Tag: commentary
Cigar Lifestyle: Need a gimmick?
Cigar Lifestyle: Gimmicks seem to be an important part of cigar marketing. I read a fair amount of industry newsletters,
Cigar events: In honor of Jean Shepard
Cigar events: the great Jean Shepard , the creator of the best Christmas movie ever made, A Christmas Story. Shep
Cigar News you can use: Favorite Cigars of 2017, my hit list
Cigar News: Doing a list of your favorite things is a fun task. My cigar faves are a blend of mostly
Cigar events/commentary
Cigar events: Cigar commentary. This is the time of the year where every blogger, commentator, magazine, and radio show bring
Cigar events and lifestyle: Clothes make the man
Cigar events/Lifestyle: The cool look Behind every story there is a story. Some stories are dramatic, others just boring .
Cigar events: Calm down, relax and smoke a cigar
Cigar events: Baseball is a game and a cigar is a smoke I was speaking to a cigar friend the

Cigar News you can use: Lone Wolf Cigar Lounge
Cigar News: The “Wolf” is my cigar hood and David Weiss is the gatekeeper. Very cool place to hang ,
Lifestyle News : Red Sox Baseball Season Wrap, The Sox are in the Red
LIFESTYLE : THE SOX ARE IN THE RED October 10, 2017 Urban Fishing Pole Cigars News Leave a comment Â
Cigar News You Can Use: How to make it last
Cigar News: Tobacco Business Magazine insight comments on increasing business for B and M’s Keep smoking How to Survive and
Taking care of business
Cigar Thoughts, Business I am trying to make a decision which impacts my website and am seeking your input about
These are the rules
            Lifestyle, Commentary, Image Keep smoking
Creative and Confident
Advice to Bloggers
Going down the road feeling bad
Commentary, Life Style and Common Sense I live in a canyon with a 5 mile road that dead ends
Fire on the Mountain
Life Style , Commentary Be Prepared is the Boy Scouts motto.  I was an Eagle Scout so I have no
It’s N.R.B.Q. Baby
Here is a tale of musical connections. The string starts in 1972 when I was an Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop
Design flaw?
 Cigar Talk, Cigar Commentary I own 4 Xikar lighters which have provided mostly reliable service. I also possess two cutters
Cigar shape and size chart
Cigar Talk Here is a very good tool for understanding the many different variations of cigar shapes and sizes available
In Honor of my dad, May 6, 1907-1977
My father would have been 110 years old today. He was a cigar smoker partial to White Owls and several
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